"Be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave you."
- Colossians 4:17
Recalibrate: Begin Again
While on mission, we are faced with circumstances beyond our control and distractions that can set us off course. When this happens, vision leaks, mission drifts and passion chills.
There are times in our journey where we get discouraged, frustrated with results, or even feel so defeated that we just want to quit, stop, and disengage from what God has called us to. Leaders are burning out because we are doing too much of the wrong things, too little of the right things, and find ourselves off the path, unsure of how to get back on track. It has been said that the world is in unprecedented and unpredictable times. We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know that God is still at work, both in the church and in the world.
Now is not the time to shrink back in fear. It’s a moment for us to renew our commitment. To step forward in faith. To begin again.
The stakes are high, and the mission is far too great. Now more than ever what we need to do is to begin again.
The Recalibrate conference gives us an opportunity to view ministry through a different lens. This year’s theme is, ‘Begin Again.’ For the local church, Jesus’ mission to make disciples is the starting point in order for us to start a new chapter in this ministry journey. The early church was encouraged to not give up but rather be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave them.
At this year’s Recalibrate Conference, participants will learn effective ministry strategies and be equipped with the tools needed to 'Begin Again.’ We will embrace vibrant worship, be inspired by powerful messages, and be equipped during interactive breakout sessions, all to help us recalibrate.
I am very excited to be gathering with you as we journey to learn and grow together! Let’s Begin Again!
- Pastor Efrain Cirilo
Join us and Begin Again with a movement of people who are passionate about their local community and making disciples who make disciples
"Ted Talk" style sessions
Recalibrate your ministry with challening break outs
Equip your team for multiplication impact
Genuine connections with Church planters & Kingdom collaborators
Engaging & diverse guest speakers to fill your soul
Leave inspired and equipped to reach the next generation
Friday, November 8th
12:00 PM - Registration Opens
Session 1
1:00 - 2:15 PM - Main Session 1
2:15 - 2:30 PM - Break
Session 2
2:30 - 3:45 PM - Main Session 2
3:45 - 4:00 PM - Break
Assembly Business Meeting
4:00 - 5:00 PM - Business Meeting - Credentialed Ministers Only
Hotel Check-in & Break for Dinner
5:00 - 6:45 PM - Hotel Check-in & Dinner Break
Session 3
7:00 - 8:15 PM - Main Session 3 - Ordination Service
Saturday, November 9th
New Arrivals Registration
8:30 AM - New Arrivals Registration at the Door
Session 4
9:00 - 10:00 AM - Main Session 4
Session 5 - Breakouts
10:15 - 11:15 AM - Breakouts
Stadia - How to Identify & Develop Future Leaders
Trellis - Breaking the Generational Gap: Passing the Baton to the Next Generation.
Intern Academy - Partnering Together to Bring an Intern to Your Church
Servant Solutions - Preparing for The Future: A Conversation about Pastoral Compensation & Retirement
Anderson University - How to Make Disciples (Spanish Track)
Rising Generation Track - Youth Students Responding to the Call, Part 1 (Students Track)
Session 6 - Breakouts
11:15 - 12:00 PM - Breakouts
First Impressions & Connections - Assimilating Guests to Members
Worship & Production - Creating an Engaging Worship Environment
Ministry Pass - Sermon Series Planning, Graphics & Small Group Curriculum
Reach The Next Generation of Students - Leading an Effective Student Ministry
Servant Solutions - Preparing for The Future: A Conversation about Pastoral Compensation & Retirement
Rising Generation Track - Youth Students Responding to the Call, (Part 2)
Session 7
12:00 - 12:30 PM - Main Session 7
Ministry Partners
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