We know the process can seem a bit overwhelming at times, so we have broken it down for you.  The first step is to formally tell us, here in Texas, that you believe you are being led to apply for ordination credentials with the Church of God Ministries, Anderson, IN. That is the initial phase, and the steps to do that are given here. 


Read and submit the following:




Please submit a current photo of yourself. It does not need to be a professional photo; a good head/shoulder shot with a cell phone camera is fine.

Once these three steps are completed and recorded, you will receive an e-mail or phone call from the Texas Ministries Office or from a member of the TXM Credentials Commitee to discern your ministry calling and to discuss next steps in the credentialing application process.  This is just the beginning.  The process beyond these first three steps typically include an application, personal references and a background check.  Often the credentialing candidate is required to study and report through a multi-year program called Leadership Focus.


 You will have annual meetings, at minimum, with the Credentials Committee.


Candidates are guided through the entire credentialing process by the Texas Church of God Credentials Committee.